Why do I need AlomWare Toolbox?
If you've ever asked yourself even just one of the questions below, then AlomWare Toolbox is for you!
Go ahead and make 2025 the year you became more productive than your peers and/or competitors.
- How can I run an app from a hotkey or shortcut text?
- How can I make one app auto-run when another app starts?
- How can I close specific apps when a chosen watched one closes?
- How can I run an app but have it minimized to the taskbar or system tray?
- How can I abort an app when starting and start another app in its place instead?
- How can I close all apps in one action, like you can with Android smartphones?
- How can I force quit an app (like on the Mac) without using the Task Manager?
- How can I terminate an unresponsive app using a hotkey instead of the Task Manager?
- How can I change the process priority of an app without using the Task Manager?
- How can I bring every window of a specific app to the front of my desktop at once?
- ...and more.
- How can I clear the clipboard for privacy after copying some sensitive text?
- How can I see what I've cut or copied to the clipboard so I don't lose any of it?
- How can I copy a bunch of separate texts so they all combine into one clipboard item?
- How can I re-copy text or images that I've previously cut or copied to the clipboard?
- How can I make the clipboard text always be cut or copied as plain text without formatting?
- How can I convert the clipboard text to title case, or sentence case, or other cases?
- How can I modify the clipboard text to have a border or other design around it?
- How can I add up all numbers in the clipboard text?
- ...and more.
Computer Tweaks
- How can I make Win+I open the Control Panel instead of Settings?
- How can I lock my PC but still see everything that's going on?
- How can make my PC automatically mute its audio when I lock it?
- How can I swap virtual desktops using the mouse swipes instead of hotkeys?
- How can I snapshot all my open apps and windows for restoration that way later?
- How can I close all my open apps and their windows immediately with a hotkey?
- How can I see which apps and windows were launched with administrator rights?
- How can I change my wallpaper to a random image from a folder of images?
- How can I take a screenshot on my ultrawide monitor but have it auto-resized smaller?
- How can I quickly jump to a Registry key in RegEdit after copying it from a tech website?
- How can I change the position of notifications on my desktop, like to a custom position?
- How can I stop the volume HUD being shown when I change the volume using the keyboard?
- How can I run a DOS command and see its return text in a wider window for long outputs?
- How can I copy the text under the mouse, from both the desktop or the current window?
- ...and more.
Email and Internet
- How can I send an email to someone with the clipboard text by using a hotkey?
- How can I send a quick email using a pop-up prompt so I don't need to use Outlook?
- How can I send a regular email on a schedule with custom text and/or a file?
- How can I email a file of any type to someone without Gmail blocking it?
- How can I download a file from the internet automatically if its URL doesn't change?
- How can I detect when text on a website gets changed and receive an email alert?
- ...and more.
Files and Folders
- How can I peek into a folder to open a file inside, without leaving the parent folder?
- How can I re-open a folder that I closed accidentally without re-browsing to it?
- How can I make folders always open maximized to see more of their contents?
- How can I bulk-create a bunch of new folders inside the current one?
- How can I bulk-rename a folder of files safely, with a real-time preview of the changes?
- How can I search for files using plain-English phrases, and save the search type for re-use?
- How can I monitor a folder in real-time to see what changes are happening inside it?
- How can I move all files into a new sub-folder based on their type or file extension?
- How can I auto-backup a file that I'm about to edit when its app doesn't support backups?
- How can I stop removable drives from going to sleep so they don't take time to wake up?
- ...and more.
Keyboard and Typing
- How can I type long text by typing shorter trigger text to expand it?
- How can I type my email address or other text by pressing a hotkey?
- How can I change one thing I type with another (like auto-correction)?
- How can I make my keyboard make typewriter sounds when I type?
- How can I type a line of text to another window without leaving my current window?
- How can I type a line of text to another window without switching to that window?
- How can see the Caps Lock status (and also Num Lock / Scroll Lock) on my laptop?
- How can I force the Num Lock key to always stay on so that it always types numbers?
- How can I re-type what I just typed into a form if the form crashed before submitting?
- When I hit Enter too soon after typing, the text gets submitted. How can I stop that?
- Is there a way to select custom symbols from a pop-up list to insert into my document?
- ...and more.
Office Productivity
- How can I visually see and calculate the days between two dates?
- How can I see how much time is left in my workday so I can plan accordingly?
- How can I see how many days are until the end of the month so I can plan my quotas?
- How can I browse a long monthly calendar without it closing when I switch away from it?
- How can I set a reminder or scheduled task without using the complicated Task Scheduler?
- How can I press a hotkey to quickly create and save a plain-text note from a pop-up window?
- How can I pick a color on the desktop in different formats (RGB, CMYK, HTML, etc)?
- How can I browse fonts on my PC without opening a text editor to view them?
- How can I zoom into the desktop to see things better?
- ...and more.
- How can I make a window always stay on top of all others, including on top of the taskbar?
- How can I make a window always be visible, even if I press Win+D to see the desktop?
- How can I make all apps and their windows re-open in their current state in future?
- How can I make a window always open in the position and size that it currently is?
- How can I center all windows on the desktop without moving them all manually?
- How can I dock windows to each other so when I move one, they all move together?
- How can I freeze the focus to a window so no other apps can steal the focus from it?
- How can I lock a window into place so it can't be resized or dragged to a new position?
- How can I make a resizable window always open maximized to see more of its content?
- How can I move a window into a zone that I created, either automatically or with a hotkey?
- How can I minimize a window to the system tray when its app doesn't support this function?
- How can I mimimize all windows except for a certain type, like show only Word documents?
- How can I view all open windows at all times, like Alt+Tab but as a smaller on-top version?
- How can I move a window by dragging it from anywhere instead of just by its title bar?
- How can I quickly make a window transparent or see-through when on top of other windows?
- How can I make a window a thumbnailed version of itself to keep it out of the way but visible?
- How can I change the title bar text of a window into something more meaningful for me?
- How can I change the icon used by a window into something more meaningful for me?
- How can I roll up a window to just show its title bar to keep it out of the way until needed?
- How can I make a window darker (or dimmed) if it doesn't support dark mode?
- How can I dim all open windows at once to reduce glare or brightness?
- How can I make all windows open dimmed automatically?
- ...and more.