While you are browsing our website, no personal information is collected about you, and we have no way of knowing who you are unless you actively contact us. However, some non-personal information will be collected about your visit, such as the browser you're using, the links you clicked, which operating system you're using, which screen resolution and color depth your monitor is, etc.
This anonymous data collection is standard practice for websites and used for demographic purposes only. In addition, we may store "cookies" (tiny text files) in your browser for purposes of these demographics; if you wish to opt out of these, then please consult your browser's manual for assistance on blocking them. By not taking steps to actively block cookies, AlomWare assumes you are happy to accept them.
Personal Data: This is only used for the purpose for which it was provided. For example, we may use your email address to respond to any queries from you, or to announce news of an update or bug-fixes for any purchases you have made from us. Your email address and other personal information will never be shared with third parties under any circumstances (unless required by law, subpoena, or court order).
App Data: The data you create with our apps is kept locally on the PC on which it's run, and nothing on your PC is ever copied off or transmitted over the internet to anyone at any time (including to us). You can always block our products with a firewall ↗ if you want extra reassurance.
Payments for our products are done through PayPal's secure (HTTPS) ordering page. If you choose to pay by credit card, your card details are never provided to us by PayPal. You may wish to visit PayPal's website ↗ to view its Privacy Policy to learn how they handle and protect your personal information.
AlomWare welcomes any feedback, bug reports, and ideas that will improve our products. However, you agree that any such correspondence we receive from you may be used by AlomWare indefinitely in any form and without any compensation, credit or acknowledgement to you.